Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1/9/08: Deadlines

Well, I think I may have been a tad ambitious saying I'll produce three comics. I'll never be able to get that finished in the remaining time. So what I'm going to do is just make one comic. I'm almost finished it and I'm up to the colour which I'm also doing in Photoshop. Plus I might also a page of writing about techniques etc...maybe. It's a pity I didn't get the others finished but oh well. It's been fun figuring stuff out for my first real comic.


The temptation when using Photoshop to colour is to go crazy with all the colours, textures etc. After all, computers have the complete palette available. The problem is if you just pick heaps of colours randomly, the comic won't have a unified look. It' ll be untidy. I wasn't really sure about how to balance them or anything but what I did was use the same blue for the whole thing and the same red etc. So it would be the same colours throughout. In the past for printed comics this wasn't really a problem because they had a limited palette anyway- for cheaper printing and stuff. Nowadays when options on the web are almost limitless it means you have to think harder about the choices.
A photoshop workspace (the image you're working on goes where the flowers are in this example) :

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